In 2017, this page shared a video called 21 Insanely Awesome Things About Canada. I believe that there are WAY MORE than 21 insanely awesome things about Canada but I still enjoyed this video list put together by Talltanic. However, the original video is no longer available. Instead Talltanic offers you this video called Things you Will Only See in Canada. If you are Canadian, you will likely know some of these facts but I bet there are some that you do not know, too.
I won't spoil the video for you but I bet that you have heard of many of the items wherever you call home.
If you have heard of the soap flavored gum, I need to hear from you because that is something I definitely have missed.
Here's the video of Things You Will Only See in Canada. It is about eight minutes long and includes some interesting facts about Canada. Ice truck, anyone?
Did you learn anything new about Canada and Canadians?
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